

Réunion entre pairs

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[Groupe International / Groupe RSE] Human rights : how to address this major topic through the CSRD implementation ?

Vendredi 26 janvier 2024

Organisé par : National

De 14:00 à 15:15

Webinaire - Teams

Prix membre : 0,00 € (TTC) Prix non-membre : 0,00 € (TTC)

Cet événement est passé.

Environmental issues dominate the news, however social topics are rapidly increasing in focus and importance for companies and CFOs! The CSRD standards explicitly require assessments on some social (S) topics, notably Human Rights and many countries are passing legislation that focuses specifically on social issues like modern slavery within supply chains in vulnerable industries, countries and populations.

This topic is a complexe one that requires us to think differently about our stakeholders (investors, suppliers, and partners), due diligence, our supply chains and the practical reality of what is and is not controllable today. We are on a journey – please join us for an insightful and practical discussion on active steps we can all take right now to be more socially responsible as a profession, and as organizations. Why wait for regulation to do the right thing!

Webinar introduction by:

Valérie Raoul-Desprez, DFCG, President ESG Group

Animé par :

David Wray
Président du Groupe International (DFCG) et membre du Bureau du groupe Transformation Digitale (DFCG)
Constance Gest
Directrice des Relations Investisseurs & Communication Financière, groupe Orange / Membre du Bureau du groupe RSE, DFCG

Intervenant(s) :

Maha Khan
Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST) at the United Nations University Centre for Policy & Research
Catherine Saire
Deloitte, Partner, CSRD specialist on Social matters
Elaine Mitchel-Hill
Independent Expert in Human Rights
Lydia Meziani
Directeur juridique Risques, compliance, droits humains et environnementaux, Nestlé France