Groupe International


Présentation et fonctionnement du groupe

Groupe International

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The International Group within the DFCG association provides support for its members and for other thematic groups within the DFCG association in international matters.
It is the entry point for our global finance professional peers that seek to network with their counterparts in France. We develop and foster active relationships with other finance-related associations around the world.

The international group has an executive committee that consists of the President and a at least one Vice-president. In keeping with the governance requirements within the DFCG, the President of the international Group is endorsed by the National President of the DFCG.

Les objectifs

In a global world, as individuals and as companies, we benefit significantly from international exchanges.
The primary objective of the International Group is to foster and ensure the means to facilitate networking and professional peer to peer exchanges for members of this group as well as for all members of the DFCG.

Le format

The International group contributes to the success of the DFCG through its international collaborative activities and through its national activities of other thematic groups within the association.

  • Each month the international group proposes one article in French or English for the International section of the FINANCE&GESTION magazine. These articles often become sources to, or are done in partnership with, other international publications, organizations, or associations. The articles are often written by contributors abroad, particularly when the topic relates to a specific country.

Occasionally the group works on a whole topic, for instance in 2018, the group published a section regarding « Good practices for finance directors abroad » or in 2022 the group chaired an international alliance to respond to the ISSB proposed standards for IFRS S1, IFRS S2 and the related taxonomy

  • The Group organises French and English language webinars and conferences including within the annual Financium conference, on emerging topics, and international affairs.
  • The international group supports the expansion and success of Observatoire international du Contrôle de gestion (International observatory for Management Accounting) created by the DFCG in 2011 and covering over 30 countries. The results are regularly shared during international conference events.
  • The International groups curates and shares international events within the DFCG network, partnerships and alliance network that are of interest for our members. We facilitate reciprocal membership relationships, discount attendance or speaking engagements with other finance-related associations or organizations.
  • The quarterly survey on the Business Climate from a CFO’s point of view. Under the leadership of Duke University (US)and co-managed by the Grenoble Management school and the DFCG, the survey which has taken place for about 20 years covers over 40 countries. The results are regularly picked up and commented on by the Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post and by CNBC.

DFCG works with other international associations as follows.

International CFO Alliance

Under the leadership of the DFCG, an alliance network was established with 11 other similar associations in Europe, Africa, and Latin America. (CFO alliance) in December 2021. The main objective is to allow the members to collaborate and discuss common issues. The three inaugural topics were as follows:

  • ESG
  • Automatization and Digital transformation of the finance function
  • Taxation

Institute for French speakers finance professionals.

After multiple exchanges with the members of different organizations in francophone countries, the DFCG identified a clear need to establish a collaborative exchange through an institute. The DFCG established the Institute to foster collaboration between finance professionals from North Africa and several countries in West Africa.

Where to find us online

How to join us

 All DFCG members are welcome to join the International Group. Please follow us online or contact the members of the executive committee directly.

Vos contacts nationaux

David Wray

David Wray

President International Group
Joanna Chérès

Joanna Chérès

Group CFO, The Brand Sisters and Vice President, International Group (DFCG)
Armand Angeli

Armand Angeli

Vice-President of the Digital Transformation and International Groups
Carlos Garcia Panicco

Carlos Garcia Panicco

Chief Financial Officer
Amélie Rozier

Amélie Rozier

Head of Digital programs, Enterprise Business Planning
Daniel Moineuse

Daniel Moineuse

Chief Financial Officer